Ron Perlman Would Love to Come Back as Hellboy to Complete the Trilogy — GeekTyrant

Ron Perlman Would Love to Come Back as Hellboy to Complete the Trilogy

Hellboy star Ron Perlman is still the best live-action version of Hellboy that has graced the big screen. Unfortunately, he and director Guillermo del Toro never got to finish their planned trilogy of Hellboy films. Del Toro tried for years to get Hellboy III off the ground, but he never managed to make it happen.

Since then there was a Hellboy movie made with David Harbour that was awful, and there’s the upcoming Hellboy: The Crooked Man, which will introduce Jack Kesy as the new Hellboy. While there’s no indication that Del Toro will ever get to make his Hellboy III movie at this point, Ron Perlman would still love to reprise his role one final time to close out the trilogy.

Perlman recently told Geek House Show: "If we were to make the third movie of the trilogy, I would love to do that, yeah. It was meant to be three movies, so I would go back and do it if we could finish the trilogy. But those are the only circumstances."

In a past interview with Perlman, he said: "I really feel as though I'm done with the character. I don't have a burning desire to put that shit on again. But Guillermo told me what the resolve of the trilogy would look like, in broad strokes, and it's such an amazingly theatrical, cinematic idea, that I found it essential that we do it. We were designed to be a trilogy, with a beginning, a middle and an end. We've only done two-thirds, so I feel that we're not really done until we finish it."

In another interview, he said: “Let me make the record clear. I don’t want to do Hellboy II. It’s a pain in the ass to put that makeup on and take it off. But I feel we’re obligated to finish the story. That’s it. End of conversation.”

The fans would all love to see Hellboy III finally get made, but at this point, the way the franchise is moving forward, that’s just not going to happen, which is a shame.

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