Smartphones Combine To Form a Giant Eagle and Attack in This Batshit Insane Trailer For 2.0
Oh boy, have I got a treat for you today! This is the trailer for sci-fi action Indian thriller called 2.0, and as you’ll see, this think is absolutely insane! There is so much happening in this trailer, so much craziness, and visual overload, that you might not be able to wrap your brain around what is actually going on.
The film centers around millions of smartphones being hijacked and then they combine to form giant robots that fight and a gigantic cyborg eagle!
The movie is actually a sequel to a 2010 film called Enthiran that centered around a robotic superhero capable of impossible and preposterous feats. That character was named Chitti, who was played by Tamil superstar Rajinikanth, and he’s back to save the world from the evil smartphones, which he also has the ability to control.
2.0 was directed by S. Shankar and it looks like a blast! I have to see this movie! Watch the trailer below and tell us what you think!