Sony Pictures Chair Tom Rothman Confirms One More Marvel Crossover Film for Tom Holland's Spider-Man

Under the most recent agreement that has been confirmed between Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures there is going to be one more Spider-Man solo film for Sony and one more crossover film with Marvel. Spider-Man: No Way Home is the solo film, which means that Tom Holland’s Spider-Man has one more Marvel film coming and Sony Pictures Chair Tom Rothman confirmed that is still happening. He also says that the two companies have a great working relationship that could continue.

In a recent interview with CB Rothman said, "It's reciprocal. So we lend one, and they lend one, and that's how Benedict [Cumberbatch] is in this movie. So we have one more 'lend back' that's committed. But the thing that I can say, and this actually the accurate scoop on this, which is that the two companies have a terrific working relationship. I think it's a mutual hope that that would continue. But there really isn't anything definitive at this moment, because the truth of the matter is, we gotta ride [Spider-Man: No Way Home] and see what happens."

It’ll be interesting to see what Marvel movie that Spider-Man ends up appearing in. It could be Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, but it could be something completely different. You’ll just have to wait and see how Spider-Man: No Way Home comes to and end.

In regards to the continuing relationship between Marvel and Sony, Spider-Man producer Amy Pascal previously said that the two studios have plans to work together on three more Spider-Man movies after Spider-Man: No Way Home. She explained:

"This is not the last movie that we are going to make with Marvel – [this is not] the last Spider-Man movie. We are getting ready to make the next Spider-Man movie with Tom Holland and Marvel. We're thinking of this as three films, and now we're going to go onto the next three. This is not the last of our MCU movies."

We’ll just have to wait and see what happens, but for now the focus is on fans seeing Spider-Man: No Way Home. Once you see that, you’ll have a much better look at what might be in store for the future.

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