STAR WARS: EPISODE 8 — Daisy Ridley Hypes Luke Skywalker
Star Wars: The Force Awakens breakout star Daisy Ridley took the stage to present an award at the Oscars last night, and on the red carpet, the actress talked to MTV about reprising her role as Rey and acting opposite Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker in the upcoming sequel, Star Wars: Episode VIII.
“Me and Mark have been rehearsing a lot, and it’s really amazing. When we went back to Skellig to do the opening of [Episode] VIII, it was so crazy doing the same scene with a different crew of people. He’s amazing to rehearse with, and I’m very excited to be doing the rest of the stuff. It’s such a good story. Seriously. Luke is so cool in this one. Really.”
Skellig, of course, is the island of Skellig Michael off the Irish coast, which stands in for the planet Ahch-To, where Luke has been in hiding and where we saw him in his brief appearance in The Force Awakens. We saw the two of them recreate that fim's final shot in the first teaser/announcement video for the start of production on Rian Johnson's Episode VIII.
Skywalker is obviously a major icon in the Star Wars universe, and Rey (who may or may not be Luke's daughter) is well on her way to becoming just as iconic thanks to her adventures in a galaxy far, far away. I can't wait to see them share the screen in Episode VIII.