Stunning Cosplay of Aloy From HORIZON ZERO DAWN Created by Cosplayer irine_meier

Below you’ll find some photos and video of cosplayer irine_meier all decked out in a costume she created for the character Aloy from the hit video game franchise Horizon Zero Dawn. This is a beautiful and detailed costume and the photos were taken at Arches National Park in Utah.

This is a great fantasy adventure game, and there’s currently a series adaptation in development at Netflix. Horizon Zero Dawn follows Aloy, a brave young huntress in a primitive tribal world where strange, monstrous, animalistic machines roam the wilderness. She finds herself on a quest to learn the truth about her mysterious origin and the state the world is in.

When talking about the photoshoot, irine_meier said:

I recently had a chance to bring this character in life at the Rocky Mountains and Arches National parks - the exact locations from the video game.

The red rocks, natural aches and stunning mountains of the US provided the perfect background for this photoshoot. The result is exactly as I was imagined it to be for months before the trip!

Not gonna lie, it was one of the most challenging photoshoots of my life! First of all, my beautiful bow was broken during transportation. I managed to fix it somehow… but it broke in the middle of the photoshoot. But you know what, I may have had a broken bow, but my spirit was not broken…

…At least before I had to hike 2 km in the most uncomfortable ninja shoes and the full gear seeing all the puzzled eyes of tourists… 🤣 And that’s what cosplay is all about! Embracing the unexpected and having fun with it 🔥 Just kidding… sometimes it’s all about suffering…

Enjoy the photos from the cosplay photoshoot below!

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