SUICIDE SQUAD Director David Ayer Shares Deleted Scene Involving Joker and Enchantress

Director David Ayer has shared a script page from Suicide Squad revealing a deleted scene in the film that featured Jared Leto’s Joker teaming up with Cara Delevigne’s Enchantress near the climax of the film.

Ayer actually shot this scene, but it’s one of the many that ended up on the cutting room floor. I enjoyed Suicide Squad for what it was, but I would have liked to see Ayer’s original vision for it. Check out the script page below and let us know what you think:

There’s currently a fan movement to try and get WB to released Ayer’s cut of the film on HBO Max, but there’s no word on if that is something that will happen. It’s possible, though.

When previously talking about the film, Ayer said: “My cut would be easy to complete. It would be incredibly cathartic for me. It’s exhausting getting your ass kicked for a film that got the Edward Scissorhands treatment. The film I made has never been seen.”

The original cut of the film included “a lot more Joker including a big fight with him in the subway.” It was also explained that the beginning of the film “wasn’t edited like a music video, as all of the flashbacks happened in chronological order.” One of the most important aspects of his original cut was that there was “a very different and clear tone to the Joker and Harley’s relationship, which actually fits better with the opening of Birds of Prey.”

It will be interesting if Ayer actually did get to release his version of Suicide Squad. I just want to see how the studio executives made the film worse with their demands.

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