The Director of THE BOOGEYMAN Would Like To Direct a A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Film

Director Rob Savage did a great job with the adaptation of Stephen King’s The Boogeyman. That turned out to be a wildly fun and creepy horror movie. The filmmaker has another horror franchise that he’d like to dive into with the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, it’s a film that he hopes to dive into one day. When talking about it in an interview with CB, he said:

"The one that comes to mind straight away is Nightmare on Elm Street. I'm sure it is for most horror directors. I know there's a bit of a rights issue there, so I don't know if Nightmare on Elm Street is going to continue anytime soon."

He’s just intrigued by the idea of battling some kind of horrific monster in your dreams. He went on to say:

"That kind of horror storytelling that plays in that plays in that surreal dream space. It terrified me as a kid and I haven't really seen anything come close that plays in that space of not being able to trust what you can see and that space between waking and dreams. I love that as a sandbox to play in and it's up there with my favorite franchises."

There are a lot of filmmakers out there who would like to take a crack at A Nightmare on Elm Street including Mike Flanagan (Doctor Sleep, The Haunting of Hill House, Midnight Mass), who said: “[I’m] dying to get in there to pitch it. If I got to do this it would be so cool.”

Then there’s Elijah Wood, who said: "We, personally, have talked a lot about, internally, Elm Street and how incredible it would be to play in that universe again and see that universe, to see Freddy [Krueger] and just that concept be explored again. That's something that we're fascinated in. Obviously, that is not a lesser-known, smaller thing that should be remade into a big one. But another one that I feel is exciting, I know that there's already a remake coming out, but we still really love Children of the Corn. I feel like that would be an exciting thing to ... from the ground up, taking it from the novel, not remaking the movie, but actually take the short story and flesh that out in an interesting way."

I’d be fine if we never got another A Nightmare on Elm Street movie, but one day it will happen, and each of these talented individuals will bring something different and unique to the franchise. Who would you like to see get the chance to revive it?

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