The Original Crazy Concept for The Deep in THE BOYS Series Was Shot Down by Amazon

The Boys is an incredibly fun, over-the-top, incredibly violent, and vulgar show that has done some incredibly insane off-the-wall things, and the fans have loved it! However, there is apparently a line that Amazon won’t allow the series to cross, which is so weird because it seems like there is no line! It’s like the show can do whatever it wants!

But, when it came to the Aquaman-like character The Deep, there was something crazy that the creative team originally wanted to do with the character that Amazon shut down.

In a 2019 interview with Daily Mail Australia, Chace Crawford shared that his character, The Deep, was originally supposed to have a comically large penis, and the point of that was so that viewers could clearly see the imprint of it through his outfit.

He explained that the showrunner of the series, Eric Kripke, "was like, 'We get no notes from Amazon, but the first one we got was that [the bulge] can't f***ing happen, we've got to take that out." 

It’s funny because they had already shot the scenes with the prosthetic bulge, so they had to digitally remove it before the series was released. Crawford and Kripke both thought the whole thing was hilarious, and Crawford told EW: "I don't think anyone got a bigger kick out of it than Eric Kripke," Chase told Entertainment Weekly. "He thought it was the funniest thing in the world."

Now, there is a calendar out there that exists that’s made up entirely of pictures of The Deep before Amazon decided they had to remove his giant penis. Crawford said, "They showed me one of the months and I'm like, 'Cool.' But then I'm flipping through and I'm like, 'Wait ... I'm in every one of these. It's just me. Well ... s***.'[...] I died laughing. It's obviously in character and it's amazingly cheesy and really funny. We really went for it."

So, while Amazon didn’t allow this bit of vulgar humor, there’s a lot more of it that did make it into the series.

Via: /Film

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