THE RING and THE GRUDGE Ghosts Getting a Crossover Film, Watch The Teaser Trailer

With the proliferation of "versus" properties these days — Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War, Ash vs. The Evil Dead, Godzilla vs. King Kong, etc. — I really should have seen this coming. Variety reports that the ghosts from Japanese horror films Ringu (The Ring) and Ju-On (The Grudge) are going to battle in a new movie called Sadako vs. Kayako, ensuring that the J-horror subgenre doesn't miss out on any money to be made from the current crossover trend.

The film is already in production, with Grotesque helmer Koji Shiraishi directing and Mizuki Yamamoto starring, and the plan is to release the movie in theaters in June of 2016 (with 4D screenings, no less). Apparently the project began as an April Fools prank, but producers saw how interested fans were and decided to turn it into a real movie. No word yet on whether an American remake is planned, but I imagine it won't be long before that happens. Meanwhile, Rings is coming to U.S. theaters on April 1st, 2016.

Bloody-Disgusting points us to the first teaser trailer for Sadako vs. Kayako, which you can watch below:

邦画ホラー史上最大のスーパープロジェクト始動! 日本を代表する2大ホラーキャラクター、『リング』シリーズ・貞子と『呪怨』シリーズ・伽椰子。 呪い勝つのはどっちだ!? 決して出会ってはいけない2つの「呪い」が絡まるとき、世紀の最恐対決がはじまる! 2016年6月 4DX上映含む全国ロードショー 主演:山本美月 ...

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