The Script For The ENCHANTED Sequel DISENCHANTED Has Been Completed

All the way back in 2010, there were talks of Disney making a sequel to the 2007 film Enchanted. Well, according to /Film, the script is finished. The sequel, named Disenchanted, looks to be directed by Adam Shankman who was recently on the YouTube Red series, Step Up: High Water. When asked about the status of Disenchanted, Shankman told /Film:

We are handing in a script in a couple weeks that I’m super happy with. Then gotta get the music written.

The fundamental story has changed a little bit, but not from the base story of it. It’s about Giselle 10 years later going, ‘What is happily ever after?’

There’s a lot more songs this time than there were in the original, at least in the planning phase right now.

As for the animation, it’s probably about the same amount.

I thought the first movie was fun and cute, so I’m interested to see what this sequel will be like. Sounds like reality might be hitting Giselle a little hard after all these years. How much will it affect her bubbly personality? Did she and Robert have a kid? Sounds like there will be about the same amount of animation, but at the same time, I can’t imagine a sequel without Idina Menzel and James Marsden. Do they come back to New York? Why? Are you excited about this sequel? There’s no release date for the movie yet, but I would imagine either a very late 2018 or sometime in 2019 if this script gets greenlit.

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