The X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX Will Reportedly Go Through 3 Months of Reshoots!

Update: X-Men: Dark Pheonix will reportedly not take three months to shoot. Collider reports that sources close to the production of Dark Phoenix say that this report is "erroneous." The film is going back for additional shooting, but it’s only scheduled to last two and a half weeks, which is normal.

Reshoots for big-budget tentpole films in Hollywood is normal. What isn't normal is when those reshoots will last three months! According to a recent report, director Simon Kinberg's X-Men: Dark Phoenix is rumored to undergo three months of reshoots, which means Fox hates the current cut of the film that was turned in.

If that's true, the movie must be a huge mess! The initial principal photography of the film last year lasted three and a half months, so with three months of reshoots being planned... are they looking to reshoot the whole movie!? That's just crazy.

But, maybe the reason why it will take so long is because they will have to work around the busy schedules of the actors that are involved. But, it's still an insane amount of time for reshoots. Whatever it is that is broken in the film, hopefully these reshoots will fix it and fans will get to enjoy a great X-Men film, but we'll just have to wait and see. 

X-Men: Dark Phoenix is the first film that Simon Kinberg has directed. The studio took a big risk with him and it's a risk that apparently came back to bite them in the ass. I wonder if another director will be brought in for these reshoots. 

At this point, if this rumor is true, maybe Fox should just scrap the film and cut their losses, especially with Disney officially acquiring them. It's not like Disney and Marvel are going to continue the franchise in the direction that Fox has taken it. 

This information could have just been completely blown out of proportion. Maybe it's not as bad as they make it out to be.

What do you all think of these messy rumors surrounding this film? Do you think it will be as bad as they make it out to be?

Source: LaPresse Via: CBM

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