Tyrese Gibson Threatens to Quit FAST AND FURIOUS Franchise Over Dwayne Johnson

Wow! This Fast and Furious feud between Tyrese Gibson and Dwyane Johnson has escalated into complete ridiculousness! Now Gibson is threatening to quit the franchise over Johnson's involvement. Let's do a quick breakdown of everything that's happened so far.

The first thing that happened was that Gibson posted a rant urging Johnson to not make the spin-off film with Jason Statham before Fast and Furious 9. He removed the post from his Instagram, but here's a screenshot:

Not long after, Gibson posted an old video of Johnson talking shit about his 2015 album Black Rose, but it looked like Johnson might have been joking around when he made it. You can watch that video below:

Vin Diesel then came in and tried to smooth things over with the following post:

Universal later announced that the Luke Hobbs and Deckard Shaw spinoff film would be released on July 26th, 2019, which pushed the Fast and Furious 9 release date to April 10th, 2020. This pissed Gibson off and he posted another rant:

Now Gibson is at a boiling point and in a recent Instagram post, he threatens that if Johnson appears in Fast and Furious 9, he will quit the franchise. He says, "I’m sorry to announce that if Dewayne [sic] is in Fast9 there will no more Roman Peirce [sic] – You mess with family and my daughters survival I mess with yours." You can read the whole rant below:

Damn! That's a hardcore temper tantrum! The fact of the matter is Gibson isn't as big of a star as Johnson is. Johnson is the one that brings in the big bucks to the studios so if it comes down between choosing between Johnson and Gibson, Universal Pictures is going to go with Johnson. Hell, they are giving him his own spin-off film! 

If Gibson is giving the studio an ultimatum with a threatening temper tantrum, I'm not sure why they would want to continue working with him. All Gibson had to do was just be a little patient. It's not like Johnson was killing off the franchise. Is he hurting for money or something?  

Vin Diesel excitedly announced last week that franchise director Justin Lin would be back to direct the final two installments of the franchise and that Jordana Brewster will also be back.

What do you think of all this crazy F&F drama? 

Via: EW

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