Warner Bros. is Open to Making R-Rated DC Superhero Films — GeekTyrant

Warner Bros. is Open to Making R-Rated DC Superhero Films

Right now, Fox is the only studio that has made R-rated comic book movies with Deadpool and Logan and both of them turned out to be amazing films that not only received critical praise but also blew up at the box office. 

Last week, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige said that R-rated MCU movies are not out of the question. Now today, Toby Emmerich, president and chief content officer of Warner Bros. Picture Group said, "I would be surprised if we didn’t at some point make an R-rated DC movie."

So now apparently everyone is looking to eventually jumping on the R-rated superhero films. It seems more likely that we'd see DC make R-rated comic book films before Marvel Studios did it. In fact, even though Feige says that he's open to it, I seriously doubt Disney will ever allow it.

There's already been talk of the possibility of Suicide Squad 2 taking the R-rated route, but that movie doesn't even have a director yet. I could see Justice League Dark and Gotham City Sirens taking an R-rated turn as well. Zack Snyder's Watchmen was rated R, but that doesn't really count because it's outside of the DCEU.

Geoff Johns recently said that from here on out they wanted to make sure that the characters are the characters with "heart, humor, hope, heroics, and optimism at the base." They can still do that with R-rated films. Logan and Deadpool have all of those things. However, I just want to point out again, that the rating of the movie isn't what makes it great. What makes a great film is a solid story at the core and great character development. 

As for what the future holds for R-rated comic book movies, Fox plans on moving ahead with their R-rated line of films, which will include Deadpool 2 and the future X-Force movies. Sony Pictures is also jumping in on the action by developing an R-rated Venom movie and maybe even their Silver and Black spinoff could get slapped with an R-rating as well. 

What other DC characters would you like to see get an R-rated film adaptation?

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