What's Going on with This Kathleen Kennedy Investigation at Disney and Lucasfilm? Will She Be Fired?

Over the past couple of weeks, there have been rumors spreading regarding Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy and an investigation going on at Disney and Lucasfilm regarding her financials. There are also rumors that she has been fired. There have been rumors in the past about Kennedy being fired, but these recent reports might actually have some teeth to them.

One source with a hit-and-miss reputation tweeted at the end of June, “I’m hearing Kathleen Kennedy is now gone from Lucasfilm.” I also heard something to that effect but didn’t want to share anything until I had some more information to work with. I didn’t want to get ahead of myself, but it seems like something is definitely going on over at Lucasfilm in regard to Kennedy.

As of right now, from what I understand Kennedy has not been fired… yet. I’ve heard that she has been put on paid leave, though, and that Disney has taken over her computer and there is a team of investigators going through all of her emails as well as her financial records.

Some people believe the reason Kennedy’s financials are investigated is because she’s been embezzling money from the studio, but that has not been confirmed. It could also be something else. This investigation is said to have been sparked by CEO Bob Iger and his inner circle.

Apparently, the investigative team is also looking at the emails of other employees and going through their computers trying to find additional information on Kennedy. These are just a few points of information, but from what people are saying, Kennedy may be removed as the president of Lucasfilm.

It’s definitely going to be interesting to see what happens in the next few months. None of this information has officially come from the studio, so consider this all a rumor for now.

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