Details About That New Death Star Revealed on THE FORCE AWAKENS Poster
One of the most interesting aspects of that new Star Wars: The Force Awakens poster that Lucasfilm released over the weekend was that big-ass planet-looking weapon that a lot of fans have compared to the Death Star from the original trilogy.
After doing a little digging around online, it looks like this is may be our first look at Starkiller Base, which we first learned about from some Force Awakens toy descriptions. This Starkiller Base also has an official description at that offers some fans some intriguing information. Here's that description:
An ice planet converted into a stronghold of the First Order and armed with a fiercely destructive new weapon capable of destroying entire star systems.
So the First Order literally took an entire freakin' planet and converted it into the most powerfully destructive weapon we've ever seen in the Star Wars universe. That's awesome! I imagine the Starkiller Base also could serve as a dock for The First Order's Star Destroyers and other ships from their fleet.
Since this weapon was converted out of a planet, there's no thermal venting port for anyone to shoot anything into to destroy it. The weapon can vent heat naturally through the surface of the planet.
There are still a lot of questions regarding this base/weapon, but answers to those question will be revealed in due time. Stay tuned for the full trailer that will hit later tonight!
To watch some teaser trailers, and read up on some addition information on this film that we've posted in the past, click here.