Kevin Smith Reveals Spoilers For His MOOSE JAWS Movie

Kevin Smith just premiered his new movie Yoga Hosers at the Sundance Film Festival, and while introducing that film, he spoke a little about the upcoming third and final film in his "True North" trilogy (movies set in Canada). Following in the wake of Tusk and Yoga Hosers, the new movie is called Moose Jaws, and it's a beat-for-beat remake of Steven Spielberg's classic Jaws — except instead of a shark, there's a killer moose on the loose. Smith has revealed that Jay and Silent Bob will make an appearance, and Silent Bob is going to be eaten by the moose, reminiscent of Quint in Jaws.

Slashfilm was in attendance at the Sundance screening when Smith gave even more spoilery info about Moose Jaws:

After reiterating the Jaws influence, Smith said that around the time he was working on the third act, he didn’t just want to copy Spielberg anymore. And instead he decided to use a bunch of other movies as inspiration. Apparently the ending of Moose Jaws is an amalgamation of Godzilla, Destroy All Monsters, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Return of the Jedi.

Khan and Jedi could mean a lot of things, but how do those Godzilla and Destroy All Monsters references factor in? Smith also revealed that Tusk is going to show up and fight the moose in the movie. That seems like a major spoiler, doesn't it? But Smith openly revealed it to a crowd of movie-watchers, and it seems clear that he no longer cares about what the audience thinks:

“I used to want to make movies for audiences. But if you’ve seen Tusk, and after you’ve seen Yoga Hosers, you’ll see that I really don’t give a shit about the audience anymore.”

Slashfilm seems to imply that Smith wasn't being purposefully dismissive of the audience with that statement, and that he's all about making movies that he wants to make. There are a few different ways to parse that, but since I haven't liked a Kevin Smith movie in years, I don't feel like spending the energy thinking and talking about it. Smith fans and haters alike: feel free to drop your own thoughts in the comments below.

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