Russo Brothers are Directing AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS Saga

Rumors of the Russo Brothers directing the Avengers: Infinity Wars two part saga started five months ago. While there has been no official word from Marvel, readers have been connecting the dots for months. First: Joss Whedon has gone on record several times saying he's not directing Infinity Wars. Second: Captain America: Civil War, which is also being directed by the Russo Brothers, is said to dovetail and overlap with Infinity Wars — so much so that Marvel internally calls it Avengers 2.5.

One week ago, news of the Russos' involvement with a Ghostbuster shared universe sent up a flag with a lot of readers. We've all essentially expected them to be directing Infinity Wars, but it hasn't become official.

According to the solid sources at Badass Digest, the deal (contracts) just got done today and we should expect an official announcement really soon. Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a well made film with a story that pretty much changed the trajectory of the Marvel cineverse. I'm excited to see that same creative team return lead the charge on what could be the most ambitious project in movie history.

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