Spider-Man's Aunt May to Get Her Own Spin-Off Film?!

Ok, these Spider-Man movie rumors are starting to get way out of hand. Sony Pictures really needs to lock some movie ideas down so fans know what in the hell is going on. Today we've learned from out friends at Latino-Review that Peter Parker's Aunt May could be getting her very own spin-off movie. It's not April Fools Day here, folks. This could actually be a real thing. 

Over the past few months we've heard rumors of Spider-Man being rebooted again with Sinister Six, that Marvel is in negotiations with Sony to bring Spider-Man into the MCU, that Sony is making an all-female Spider-Man movie, and even talk of bringing Gwen back from the dead. So an Aunt May spin-off film seems to fit right in with this madness. LR reports,

"I was told by the Latino Review editorial brain-trust that this is completely true: Sony is pursuing an Aunt May movie."

They went on to explain what it would be about:

"Aunt May as a youth, before she was shouldered with the responsibility of raising Peter Parker. The target mood is some sort of espionage story in the vein of AMC’s Mad Men, which sounds like a way of saying 'classier Agent Carter; without name-dropping Marvel’s upcoming series."

Back in 2003, Marvel released a mini-series comic written by Mark Millar called "Trouble" that gave Spider-Man a new origin story. It included young teenage versions of Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and Richard and Mary Parker. Through a series of crazy events, May ends up getting pregnant by Richard and gives up little baby Peter to Mary who takes the secret of Peter’s real parents to her grave.

Needless to say the comic didn't do too well with fans, and Marvel ditched it and moved on like it never existed. I doubt that Sony will use this as their inspiration, but it was the only time that Marvel attempted to tell a story of a young Aunt May in the comic universe. 

Maybe the studio will try and tie it in with the all-female Spider-Man movie they have been discussing. It just seems odd that they would want to make an Aunt May a solo film. I just don't see people flocking to see it. This is a beyond desperate idea for the studio. They are obviously having a really hard time trying to figure out what they want to do with Spider-Man. At this point, just give the rights back to Marvel already and stop this silly madness. 

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