Amy Adams Joins Jenna Ortega in Director Taika Waititi's KLARA AND THE SUN

Amy Adams is looking to star alongside Jenna Ortega in director Taika Waititi’s upcoming film Klara and the Sun, which is being produced by Sony’s 3000 Pictures.

The movie is based on Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel and the story follows Klara, “a robot girl created to prevent teenagers from becoming lonely. This is the story of how she tries to save a family of humans she lives with from heartbreak.”

It’s explained that Klara is an “Artificial Friend with outstanding observational qualities, who, from her place in the store, watches carefully the behavior of those who come in to browse, and of those who pass on the street outside. She remains hopeful that a customer will soon choose her.”

The story “offers a look at our changing world through the eyes of an unforgettable narrator, and one that explores the fundamental question: what does it mean to love?”

The author of the book talked about his story in an interview with NPR, saying: "I think I've always been drawn to – you know, throughout my career to narrators who are, in one way or the other, quite a bit on the outside. But Klara was especially interesting for me because she doesn't bring any baggage with her. It's not like, you know, she has her value system which kind of clashes with what she finds. She's like a tabula rasa at the beginning, and she's quite childlike and very open. And so that was – you know, it's not just the way, the very restricted way, in which she actually reads the world that appealed to me. I wanted some of that childlike freshness and openness and naivety to survive all the way through the text in her. I wanted her to remain, like, a very optimistic character who has a childlike faith in the presence of something good and protective in the world, even as she learns all these other things, darker things about the human world that she occupies."

Producers on the project will be Waititi, Garrett Basch, and David Heyman for Heyday Films along with Ishiguro.

Source: Deadline

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