BABYLON 5 Creator J. Michael Straczynski Says the Future of the Franchise Will Continue to Explore the Multiverse

Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski recently sat down with SFX Magazine to talk about the classic sci-fi franchise and its comeback. The new animated film Babylon 5: The Road Home does some interesting things as it explores quantum mechanics and parallel timelines, and the future of the franchise is going to continue to explore the multiverse. Straczynski said:

"If this one does well, Warners want to do more. We start with Sheridan in his own timeline, but there's also an alternate timeline where we have Sinclair, Sheridan, Ivanova and Lochley side by side, and all the characters are in their youth and available to us.

"That would be the core for any [films] going forward. It gives me the freedom to say, 'Alright, if I'm starting from zero and I have access to all the characters, what can happen next?' [Viewers familiar with the show] may know this universe and these characters, but now they don’t know what’s going to happen." 

Playing with the multiverse is all the rage right now. Marvel, DC, Rick and Morty, and Everything Everywhere All At Once are all playing the multiverse sandbox. I guess it makes sense that Babylon 5 would jump in on the action as well.

I hope that The Road Home ends up being a success for Straczynski because it means he will have the opportunity to tell more Babylon 5 stories. One thing that fans are really hoping for is that live-action revival that is still in the works.

Via: GamesRadar

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