Badass Makeup Test Photos for Corporal Hicks in New ALIEN Film
There's a lot of excitement in the air regarding the new Alien film being directed by Neill Blomkamp. Sigourney Weever is set to return as Ripley, and it seems like Michael Biehn will be back to reprise his role as Corporal Hicks. He was in the concept art, so it's safe to assume that the character will be part of the story, which is great!
Well, after the concept art was released online, David Woodruff and his special effects company Generation Effects, Inc., took things to a whole other level by doing a makeup test showing us what Hicks might actually look like in the movie. The photos come from The Terminator Fans, and as you can see, what they came up with is extremely badass!
These are not official make-up test photos, and that is not Biehn in the make-up. This is work from some incredibly talented fans who do this kind of stuff professionally. I would love to see this kind of stuff brought to life on the big screen by Blomkamp and his creative team.
Looking at these images just get me even more excited about the possibilities of what this new Alien movie could be.
David Woodruff (far right), Connor Woodruff (second from right), Tom Woodruff Jr. (Hicks), and David Woodruff’s business partner at Generation Effects, Inc. Frank Balzer (far left).”