Bill Hader Has an Idea For a BARRY-like Horror Movie He Wants To Direct

Bill Hader previously shared that he would like to direct a feature film now that he’s finished with his fantastic HBO series, Barry. At the time he only shared that he had some ideas for these projects, but didn’t offer any details. Well, in a recent interview with Deadline, the actor and director shared that one of these ideas is a horror film project. He talked about these potential projects of his, saying:

"I’ve written [a project] with Duffy Boudreau, one of the writers on [Barry]. He’s my best friend from Tulsa. We’ve known each other since we were like 18, so you need that on set. You need your friend from Oklahoma who goes, 'Yeah, man. That sucks'... We wrote a movie that I’d like to make at some point, which is kind of like what everybody usually does. They try to make a little, small thing. And then I have two other ideas. One is kind of hard to describe, and then the other one is Barry-like in tone, but instead of a crime thing, it’s like a horror thing.

"The horror one, I would star in. The other two, as of now, I would not be in. But I’ve done this before, where I’ve talked about things, and then once it gets out there, you’re almost really jinxing it. So, we’ll see."

Hader is an incredibly talented actor and director, and I loved what he’s done with his Barry series. As that chapter of his career comes to a close, I’m excited to see what he ends up doing next. I’m definitely curious about this horror movie project, and I hope that he manages to get it off the ground at some point!

Hader is not typically associated with horror films, but I have no doubt that it’s a genre that he would effectively be able to pull off. He’s got the skills to convincingly portray a wide range of emotions, from humor to fear. The actor’s comedic background could also be an asset in a horror film, as it would allow him to inject moments of levity into some of the tense and scary situations. I’d like to see him take this on!

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