Check Out the Beyond the Grid Team Unmorphed in Cover Art for MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #33
I am getting more and more excited for the upcoming Power Rangers comics after they finish Shattered Grid. We recently saw that the Rangers will change colors in Go Go Power Rangers after this huge event, and we already knew that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was going to have a story called Beyond the Grid. This new story will feature a hodgepodge group of Rangers from various series and now we’re getting our first look at the new team in an unmorphed state.
It appears the reason for the unmorphed state is because they’re losing their powers. It also looks like we’ll get some intrigue from the Red Space Ranger Andros who wants to reunite with his sister:
Beyond the Grid will start with MMPR #33 (released in November) and is written by Marguerite Bennett.