Dan Aykroyd Spilled The Beans on The New GHOSTBUSTERS Sequel Months Ago

It’s been a pretty exciting week for Ghostbusters fans! We recently learned that there was a new Ghostbusters film being made that would serve as a sequel to the original films. Not long after that announcement a teaser trailer was dropped that was directed by Jason Reitman, who is directing the new movie.

As you know, Dan Aykroyd has been talking about getting a new Ghostbusters sequel off the ground for years. He was talking about it so much that it just seemed like wishful thinking, and whenever we reported on what he was saying, a lot of the feedback from the fans was “yeah right” or “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Well, now here it is, and a few months ago Akyroyd actually spilled the beans on the film saying:

“I think we have a story that’s going to work and it’s being written right now by really good filmmakers. I can’t say their names.

“They’re a good team and they are making an effort to bring back all the emotion and spirit of the first two movies and then take it into the 21st century with a vernacular that’s needed today to get it across.”

Well, it turns out that Jason Reitman is guy who has been developing it! He also said that there is a possibility that the three remaining Ghostbusters characters will return, saying:

“There is a possibility of a reunion with the three remaining Ghostbusters… It’s being written right now.”

Aykroyd also touched on Bill Murray returning, saying:

“I think Billy will come. The story’s so good. Even if he plays a ghost.”

I really hope that Bill Murray comes back. One thing we know for sure though is that this sequel will hand the torch off to a younger generation of Ghostbusters, and it would be kinda cool if that new generation was led by Dana’s son Oscar, which is what happens in an earlier draft of the script.

When talking about Ghostbusters 3 with EW, Reitman said:

“I’ve always thought of myself as the first Ghostbusters fan, when I was a 6-year-old visiting the set. I wanted to make a movie for all the other fans. This is the next chapter in the original franchise. It is not a reboot. What happened in the ‘80s happened in the ‘80s, and this is set in the present day.”

The new Ghostbusters project had reportedly been going by the working title “Rust City” and it’s going to hit theaters in 2020.

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