Henry Cavill Reportedly in Talks To Join The STAR WARS Franchise — GeekTyrant

Henry Cavill Reportedly in Talks To Join The STAR WARS Franchise

According to a report from MTTSH, the Man of Steel star Henry Cavill is in talks for an undisclosed role in an upcoming Star Wars movie.

There aren’t many details yet, but this lines up with previous rumors that Cavill was being considered for a part in the new Star Wars trilogy that Simon Kinberg (X-Men: Dark Phoenix) was brought on to write and produce last year.

Cavill has long been a fan-favorite choice for big franchise roles, but is Star Wars a right fit for the actor? I guess it all depends on the role.

A few years ago, when asked about the possibility of joining the Star Wars franchise, he made it clear he wouldn’t sign on just for the sake of it:

"I am a fan of them. I would have to read a script and speak to a director before I could possibly say if I’d be interested in being in a movie. It’s not as simple as, you know, ‘Yes, it’d be fun and ideal,’ but what if the script sucks? You’ve got to keep your fingers crossed that it works."

If he does step into the Star Wars universe, it’ll definitly be in a role that plays to his strengths.

For now, it’s all rumor and speculation, but Cavill’s involvement would be a big deal for Star Wars. With Lucasfilm looking to reinvigorate its big-screen slate, it makes sense the studio would be looking to bring in someone like Cavill.

We’ll have to wait and see what comes of this. Cavil most recently join the live-action Voltron film, and that’s good enough for me!

Would you like to see Cavill jump into the Star Wars franchise?

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