James Gunn Thinks a Marvel/DC Crossover Could Happen in 10 Years

Marvel and DC fans have discussed the possibility of a Marvel and DC movie franchise crossover for a long time and with James Gunn now in charge of DC Studios and his strong relationship with Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige, there’s a good chance that one day that crossover will happen.

In a previous interview, Gunn talked about the possibility of a crossover, saying that this it’s something that has actually been discussed: "I'm certain that's more likely now that I'm in charge [at DC]. Who knows? That's many years away, though ... I think we have to establish what we're doing [at DC] first. I would be lying to say that we haven't discussed it. But all discussions have been very, very light and fun."

So, if this crossover does eventually happen, when can we expect it? In a recent interview with Deadline, Gunn said that it’s something that would happen in 10 years. He said:

“I think that it would look like something that would be happening in about 10 years. Not today, because we have a whole bunch of other DC movies we need to tell. But yeah, I think it could be cool.”

A couple of years ago Gunn was asked about the possibility, and he said: “I’ve casually talked to the powers-that-be at both Marvel & DC about it. I would love for it to happen. I don’t think it’s likely, but I don’t think it’s an impossibility either. THAT SAID, just constantly seeing crossovers & mashups is less enchanting to me than a strong story.”

With both franchises now playing in the multiverse, the door is open for a crossover. The big question is, what would that strong story be? There are so many directions that something like this could go, with a lot of different character combinations. I’d be interested to see what Gunn and Feige would come up with for this if it actually happened! What would you want to see?

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