Marvel Studios is Reportedly Finally Developing a Solo HULK Movie

Earlier this year Marvel Studios regained the rights to The Incredible Hulk from Universal Pictures, who had held the rights to the Marvel character for years. Because Universal owned the rights, Marvel has been unable to make a live-action movie that fully focuses on the Green Goliath. But, with that hurdle out of the way, Marvel can finally make that solo Hulk film, and according to a recent report from a couple of industry insiders, that’s exactly what Marvel is working on. It was also reported that Hulk will appear in Avengers: Kang Dynasty.

CanWeGetSomeToast begins by saying: “Kevin Feige always knew that Chris Evans, RDJ, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, and Jeremy Renner would all eventually leave as the MCU progressed: “[Marvel] had a plan. They're like we know we're losing our varsity players, we know they're leaving. So they're seating in Paul Rudd [and] Benedict Cumberbatch. They put Chadwick Boseman in a really prominent important place. They put Brie Larson in.”

Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner/Hulk is a bit of a different story. Kevin Feige is conscious of how the rights situation with Hulk always kept him as more of a supporting character rather than one of the mains. With everything Marvel has set up in She-Hulk and #CaptainAmericaBraveNewWorld, there’s definitely a plan in place for MORE Hulk in the MCU’s future.”

MyTimeToShineHello then added, “We are getting a solo Hulk movie and Hulk will be in Kang Dynasty.”

As for what this Hulk movie might end up being, maybe it will be the World War Hulk movie that was rumored a couple of years ago. Of course, it could be inspired by any number of Hulk story arcs from the comics. But, watching an angry Hulk looking to get revenge on Earth's Mightiest Heroes could be fun to see.

As you know, Hulk appeared in She-Hulk: Attorney At Law, and in the season finale of the Disney+ series, Hulk appeared with his son, Skaar, which is what got a lot of fans talking about the real possibility that things were being set up for a World War Hulk movie.

If Marvel is planning a solo Hulk movie, there isn’t going to be an official announcement anytime soon. But, what would you like to see in a solo Hulk from from Marvel?

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