Matt Reeves Reportedly Doesn't Want Ben Affleck To Star in His Solo BATMAN Movie

There's been a lot of back and forth regarding Ben Affleck and whether or not he is going to reprise his role as the caped crusader in director Matt Reeves' The Batman. Well, a new report just surfaced from Variety talking about how there's a big shakeup going on at Warner Bros. right now in their DC film division. In that article, they talk about Ben Affleck's future in the DCEU and this what it says:

"While Ben Affleck is expected to appear as Batman in a standalone Flash movie, it is highly unlikely he will don the cape and cowl in Matt Reeves’ planned standalone Batman movie. The director is said to want to cast the role with fresh talent, according to sources."

So Affleck is set to appear in Flashpoint, but Matt Reeves doesn't seem to want him in The Batman. I guess this shouldn't be too surprising as Reeves has said that his Batman film won't really be a part of the DCEU. When Reeves signed on to write and direct this film he was given full creative control. He jumped in, ditched the current script they had, and started from scratch. So the fact that he would want a fresh actor to take on the role of Batman makes sense.

So who will Reeves cast in the role? As you might recall, he already has an actor in mind. That actor is Jake Gyllenhaal. It has yet to be seen how things will pan out, but whoever Reeves ends up casting in the role, I just want to see Reeves make an amazing Batman movie! 

As we've previously reported, he's looking to do a dark noir-style film that will focus on the detective side of the Dark Knight. If all goes well, Reeves has an idea for a story arc that would span over the course of a trilogy of films.

There's no word on what story Reeves wants to tell, but he's said that he's reading all of the detective stories in the early Batman comics for inspiration. 

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