Ron Howard Explains What Lucasfilm is Up To in Regards to Future STAR WARS Movies

As you know, there has been a lot of talk regarding the future of the Star Wars franchise at Lucasfilm. There were rumors that Lucasfilm was going to put their A Star Wars Story films on hold, which they ultimately ended up denying. Then there was a report that they would stick to working with seasoned directors that know what they are doing to avoid production problems.

Lucasfilm is obviously making some adjustments, but I don't think it's as drastic as the rumors and speculation make it out to be. TMZ recently caught up with Solo director Ron Howard and asked him about the rumors online, and Howard offered some insight into what is currently going on at Lucasfilm. The filmmaker said:

"I don’t think that’s entirely accurate. I think that was reported, but I don’t think that’s exactly right. Everyone at Lucasfilm and Disney really cares about the fans. I think it’s an ongoing process of discovering what it can be, and what it can all add up to. So it’s a process, and I like the fact, personally, that they take some chances, take some risks, and see how people respond to it."

I know a lot of fans may not like the chances and risks that Lucasfilm has been taking with the franchise, but I have. I've enjoyed the Star Wars films that have been released so far. My favorite's being the A Star Wars Story films. For me, those have captured the spirit of Star Wars more than the saga films have, but I still like what I've seen from the new saga films.

Lucasfilm is only four films in so far and they are learning what works and what doesn't. One box office disappointment and a bunch of angry fans aren't going to bring the franchise crashing down. When talking about his own film, Howard said:

"This movie did really well. This movie did really well for me. I had a great experience, exit polls were great, and the reaction was terrific among fans. And… so… you know… the economic side, you know… was not what everyone was looking for."

I like that Howard has such a positive attitude and outlook on things. It seems like he's always looking for the good in what comes his way. I hope that he comes back to make another Star Wars movie one day because Solo was awesome!

What are your thoughts on what Howard had to say about Lucasfilm's current state?

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