THE FLASH Deleted Scene Revealed Why Michael Keaton's Batman Retired

A new deleted scene from Andy Muschietti’s DC movie The Flash has surfaced. The scene puts a focus on Michael Keaton’s Batman and reveals why he ended up retiring as Batman. 

In the scene, Barry Allan 2 reveals that Batman retired because he ended up killing a criminal in front of the guy’s kid. As you might imagine, that would sure mess with Bruce Wayne’s head because his own parents were murdered in front of him when he was a kid, and that set him on the path to becoming Batman.

The Flash was a good movie! I enjoyed it, but it didn’t do as well as the studios hoped it would at the box office. The movie just came with a lot of baggage and bringing Keaton back as Batman just didn’t cut it. 

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, you can watch it now on digital. Check out the deleted scene below!

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