Disney CEO Bob Iger Said Quantity Over Quality Is to Blame for Marvel's Box Office Troubles

The Marvel's debuted this past weekend and as you’ve probably heard by now, it had a dismal opening with $47 million which is the lowest debut of Marvel movie history. Marvel Studios has been missing the mark more recently with the films that it releasing and the audience can see the quality of the projects drop. Whether or not The Marvels was good or bad, and the studio was pushing a big surprise that would change the MCU forever, before the movie was released audiences were already burned out with what they’ve been delivering and a once trusted brand has lost its mojo.

During Disney’s Q4 2023 earnings call, CEO Bob Iger recently shared what he believes the problem is, and its quality over quantity. He said:

“I've always felt that quantity can be actually a negative when it comes to quality. And I think that's exactly what happened. We lost some focus.”

It’s actually funny that he says this now because, in a past interview with CNBC, he explained the opposite, saying that there needed to be "more volume."

I read these quotes from one of the most powerful people in Hollywood, and it just proves that anyone with half a brain can do what these executives do, and probably even do the job better than they can. It’s just common sense that when you start pumping more films out than people can handle, the quality is going to suffer for it. This is something I’ve been saying for years, and what we’re seeing happen now could’ve been completely avoided if better decisions would’ve been made.

In the end, what drove this whole direction was money. They wanted to just keep that big Marvel movie money rolling in so they increased the output. That’s what caused what we are seeing now, and those decisions are biting them in the ass.

They are now going to make an effort to get back on track, but only time will tell if that will actually work.

Via: The Motley Fool

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