DEADPOOL 3 Director Says The Marvel Movie Will Pay Homage To a Key Scene in STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI

Deadpool 3 director Shawn Levy continues to talk about the highly-anticipated film as production is currently on hold because of the actors’ strike. He says a lot about the movie without really revealing anything, but fans continue to read between the lines of his comments.

In a recent interview with Esquire, the filmmaker revealed that the movie will pay homage to a key moment from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. I guess this shouldn’t come as a surprise as Levy is a huge Star Wars fan and he’s also in the process of developing a Star Wars film of his own for Lucasfilm.

So, what scene from Return of the Jedi will Deadpool 3 pay homage to? Luke Skywalker's final confrontation with his father, Darth Vader, in the Emperor's throne room. The scene where Darth Vader taunts Luke Skywalker about looking for his sister, Leia, and turning her to the dark side. He explained:

“I vividly remember the scene in which Luke is hiding from Vader in the Emperor’s room and Vader gives the speech that ends with ‘If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps your sister will. It was dead quiet [in the theater]. Pin-drop silence. Suddenly, Vader has pushed the wrong button. Luke comes screaming out of the shadows and just goes to town in a light saber battle against Vader. The way that felt: The forty seconds of stillness from the audience, then the spectacle and emotion, is seared not just in my eyeballs but in my heart.”

He went on to explain the “Jedi moment,” he’s including in the movie, saying:

“For one key scene in the movie, I said to my stunt and action team, ‘Guys, this is the Jedi moment.’ I pulled up that scene of Vader and Luke on my phone and restudied how it was photographed, how it was blocked, the framing, the tempo. The keen Star Wars fan will see the shot in my ‘Deadpool’ movie that was inspired by a moment that I saw in a theater decades ago. That’s a forever memory. And that’s a treasure.”

Levy doesn't share any other details on the Star Wars-inspired Deadpool sequence, but there’s no doubt that the fans will know it when they see it. The director previously talked about how Deadpool 3 will have as much heart and emotion as his other films, saying:

"I'm gonna say this: f**kload more than you think. I'm so wary... but one thing Ryan and I were very really united in was wanting to make Deadpool 3 very much consistent and continuous with the franchise DNA, but to see where we could evolve in this third movie."

Levy went on to explain that the "evolution" of the Deadpool movie franchise was a challenge easy to meet – once they settled on one key detail of the story: 

"Once we knew it was a Wolverine/Deadpool movie, my god! What a gift to any storyteller. Because not only do you have two icon actors playing their most iconic roles, but you have two characters whose dynamic is already famously fraught. And anytime you're dealing with characters who start from a place of deep dislike and conflict and difference from each other... the mouth [Deadpool], and the like surly laconic man of few words [Wolverine], what a great formula for storytelling. And ultimately the movie does have much more character, depth, and heart than I think anyone is expecting."

Deadpool 3 has been removed from its May 4, 2024 release date, and as of right now, no new date has been announced by Marvel Studios, but we know that it’s going to be delayed.

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