One Thing Director Rian Johnson Should Do in His New STAR WARS Trilogy
Rian Johnson has received a lot of flak over The Last Jedi. However, he has been given the great task of creating a new Star Wars trilogy. Johnson has already mentioned that he wants the new trilogy to be new. This sadly means we can expect him to not adapt Knights of the Old Republic or any of the Expanded Universe. I, however, do have a request of him. Make the main character an alien. The new Star Wars trilogy has helped pave the way for female characters and people of color characters. However, the Star Wars universe is home to more than just humans. I know filming is supposed to start this year, but let’s see an awesome alien protagonist. Some may say that having an alien wouldn’t work because it removes them from us viewers, but I call bull-crap on that argument. Ahsoka Tano became one of the best characters in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and she was a Togruta. In fact, here are some alien races that I think Johnson should consider.
3 – Togruta
Ahsoka Tano was a Togruta and fans have come to love her. Why not create another awesome Togruta for us to fall in love with? We also had Shaak Ti in the prequels and The Clone Wars. Build upon these great characters. If you’re not familiar with Togruta, here’s a sample from the Wookiepedia entry from Legends (formerly known as the EU):
“In order to protect themselves from dangerous predators, and to hunt their own prey, Togruta banded together in tribes and relied on their natural pigmentation to disrupt and confuse slow-witted beasts. Togruta worked well in large groups, and individualism was seen as abnormal within their culture, although it was also a necessary quality in leaders.”
2 – Nautolan
We don’t see very many Nautolans in Star Wars canon. In fact, the only one that most would recognize is Kit Fisto. Nautolans just looks cool though. Plus, they have low-light vision, are amphibious, and their tentacles can detect chemical signatures which lets them read emotions. We don’t have too much canon about the Nautolans either, which could give Johnson plenty of room to play with. Kit Fisto gets cheated in the films and I think Nautolans could use more role models.
3 – Kel Dor
If you know me, you know that Kel Dors had to be on this list. I just think they look so freaking cool, plus Plo Koon is kind of a boss. Sadly, the only Kel Dor that I can remember seeing in the movies and Clone Wars is Plo Koon. I would personally love Johnson to have a Kel Dor protagonist in the new trilogy. He could even have a scene where they’re in trouble because their mask and goggles malfunction or something. Just like the other races on this list, there’s not a lot of canon on Kel Dors which makes them a great playground for Johnson to do his own thing, but fans would go crazy.
I know that all of these races have Jedi as the most well-known characters, but I would think it awesome if Johnson didn't make the character a Jedi. A bounty hunter or soldier could be really awesome. Also, if Johnson decides to use a trio of protagonists, I would love all three of these races to be used.