Simon Kinberg Offers Update on GAMBIT and How DEADPOOL Helped it Along — GeekTyrant

Simon Kinberg Offers Update on GAMBIT and How DEADPOOL Helped it Along

Fox’s Gambit film project hasn’t had a smooth road since it was first announced. At one point Channing Tatum was looking to drop out of the project, then director Rupert Wyatt bailed on the project and was quickly replaced by Doug Liman, and then recently the film was pulled from Fox’s release schedule. The movie is still moving forward, though! 

Producer Simon Kinberg recently offered an update on the film. In that update, he explained why the film was delayed and how Deadpool helped with finding the right tone. When talking about the delay of the film, he said that they are still looking to get the script right:

"We've gotta get the script right. We just didn't get the script to the place that we all felt like that movie deserved, so we're still working on the script -- we're very close, actually, to being done with the script."

He also talked about finding the right tone for Gambit, and how Tim Miller's Deadpool has helped him in doing that:

"I think one of the things that I've learned on all of these movies -- and maybe the lesson was best learned for me on 'Deadpool' -- is the most important thing is getting the tone and the voice right. That the storytelling, the actual plots, are sort of interchangeable and disposable, ultimately. If I ask you what your favorite movies are, you're not going to tell me the plot, you're going to tell me you love this character, and so what we've really tried to do with 'Gambit' is make sure we get the voice of that character right, and the tone of the comics 100 percent on the page." 

Let’s be honest, though, a movie needs a decent plot. The plot of the film is what drives the character! The plot plays a huge role in why we love these characters! It’s great that they are trying to get the character right, but hopefully they come up with a great story for him as well. Kingbird also said:

"There was a moment where we were going to shoot the movie at the beginning of this year, and then we felt it just wasn't ready. So, knowing -- hoping -- that 'Gambit' is, like 'Deadpool' was, the start of a new franchise within the X-Men universe, we want to make sure to get it right."

Fox and the producers are still keen on making this movie. It’s just taking a lot longer than expected. Hopefully, they can work everything out and make a great Gambit flick.

Source: Flickering Myth

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