Tony Gilroy Discusses ANDOR Season 2 and Says It Explores the Stresses, Heartbreak, and Triumph of The Rebellion

It’s been a big Star Wars news day thanks to Star Wars Celebration, which is currently taking place in London. Another report has surfaced regarding Lucasfilm’s Andor Season 2, as writer and creator Tony Gilroy discusses what we can expect from it. While he doesn’t give any story details away, he does explain that it explores the stresses, heartbreak, and triumphs of the growing Rebellion. During Lucasfilm’s presentation at the event, Gilroy said:

"Think about the revolution, and think about it from Luthen Rael's point of view, and Saw Gerrera's point of view, and Mon Mothma's point of view. They've started off as original gangsters in this thing, and it's underground, and it's secret, and it's small, and it's isolated, and contained. In four years, it's going to go big. Think about any restaurant that you knew that started off as a coffee shop, think about any startup company. What happens? Things get very complicated. If your stock and trade of your business is paranoia, and secrecy, and betrayal, and heavy consequences, expanding your business is really difficult."

The story for the second season will place over the course of four years, which will see the Rebellion expand in some big ways, and with that expansion, there are going to be issues and hurdles that come up along the way. It was previously explained that every three episodes in Andor Season 2 will cover one year's worth of story, and it will lead directly to the events of Rogue One.

The second season will take us through the years of Diego Luna’s Cassian Andor's journey as a spy for the Rebellion and how he tracked down the secret of The Death Star's construction. Gilroy went on to say:

"Then think about it from the Imperial side and they are getting very, very close to a very important energy project. People may have heard of it. It's an energy project. I guess that's not a surprise, but I think you'll see the wear and tear, you'll see all the stresses, all the heartbreak, and all the triumph of the 20 or 30 people that we're carrying forward, with Cassian at the center. You'll see those people stumble forward into a very complicated bit of chaos and history that we will pay attention to."

Gilroy went on to say, "We're gonna work the calendar. There are events on our calendar and you know what they are, some of them, and they're very important, and we will play those out." I imagine some of those things deal with the Death Star, but there’s also a lot of other stuff going on as the Rebellion is looking to fight against the rise of the Empire.

Andor Season 2 is set to premiere sometime in August 2024!

Via: /Film

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