What Did You Think of THE FLASH and That Wild Sequence Near The End!?

The Flash hit theaters this past weekend and DC fans flocked to theaters to watch the highly-hyped film for themselves. I’ve seen the film twice already and I have to say, the second time around was not as good as the first. The first time I watched the movie I was overwhelmed with emotion, especially during that crazy awesome multiverse colliding scene near the end of the film.

The second time around, it didn’t quite hit me as hard, but I still enjoyed the film and the story that it told. It was a blast experiencing this Flash adventure and the fact that it managed to include Michael Keaton’s Batman was the frosting on the cake. I never thought I’d ever see Keaton in the role of Batman again and you know what? That will most likely be the last! It was good while it lasted, though, and he got to see some pretty awesome action.

It was also great to see Ben Affleck’s Batman in the movie! He wasn’t in it very long, but I sure did enjoy him racing through the streets of Gotham in that blue and grey suit of his! I also thought Sasha Calle’s Supergirl was badass and I loved how they incorporated her into the story.

One of the things that I wasn’t expecting was the film’s ending when we are watching the different DC universes colliding with each other. The scene featured George Reeves and Christopher Reeve as Superman, Adam West as Batman, Helen Slater as the original Supergirl, and more! As a huge fan of those versions of the characters, it was such a magical experience seeing them up on the big screen like that!

Then, of course, there was Nicolas Cage as Superman! After all these years, we finally got to see his version of Superman brought to life! What a blast that was to see him battle that giant ass spider that would’ve been included in the Superman film that Tim Burton was developing. This film was previously spoiled by director Andy Muschietti for some reason.

When previously talking about Cage’s involvement with the film, he said: "Nic was absolutely wonderful. Although the role was a cameo, he dove into it. I dreamt all my life to work with him. I hope I can work with him again soon. He is a massive Superman fan. A comic book fanatic."

I do wonder how many people will watch The Flash and be confused about why Nic Cage is Superman in the movie. It’s not really common knowledge outside of movie geeks that Cage was set to play Superman for Burton’s Superman Lives. Regardless, the people that do know about it are flipping out over the scene!

I was really happy with the film as a whole, but I’m curious to see what you all thought about it! Did you like it? Did it live up to the hype? Were you disappointed? But, I’m mostly curious to know what you thought about the world colliding sequence!

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