Dafne Keen Rumored To Be in Talks To Reprise Her Role as X-23 in DEADPOOL 3

Dafne Keen was awesome in the role of Laura Kinney aka X-23 in James Mangold’s 2017 Marvel movie Logan. This was a character who I was very much looking forward to seeing explored further, and while there was a vision to continue her story, that vision never came to fruition.

Well, there’s a chance that we might see Keen as X-23 again in Marvel Studios’ upcoming Deadpool 3 movie. According to movie insider CanWeGetSomeToast, Keen was in talks to play X-23 in Deadpool 3 before the Hollywood strikes went into effect. If this is true, those negotiations are sure to resume once the strikes are figured out.

There’s no word on how big her role will be in the movie if this news is true, but it would be pretty great to see her in action again! However, I still would love to see her get a standalone movie. This character just has such a fascinating backstory and it’s a shame that Fox never moved forward with an X-23 film after Logan was released.

During a previous interview with Keen, she was asked about the possibility of returning to the role of X-23, and she said: "I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high in case it doesn't happen, but I really do hope it does because I loved playing Laura. She holds a very special place in my heart and she's an incredible character. And to be fair, the whole Deadpool 3 situation really, really made me happy because, obviously when Disney bought Fox, I suspected they weren't going to do any more R-rated films, but then greenlighting Deadpool is a great sign for other R-rated movies."

Director Shawn Levy and Marvel are looking to do some wild and crazy things with Deadpool 3, and there are so many actors and characters that are rumored to appear in the movie. It’s going to be interesting to see who of all of these characters are actually going to show up in the movie.

Would you like to see Keen as X-23 in Deadpool 3?

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